
On this website, you can view records of resolutions and ordinances.

You can also view the Agendas & Minutes page to see these documents related to village council meetings.

Visit the committees page to view agendas and minutes related to each committee.

What is a resolution?

A resolution is a formal decision or statement made by the council to express its opinion, intention, or course of action on a particular matter. Resolutions can cover a wide range of issues, including policy decisions, declarations of support or opposition, budgetary allocations, procedural matters, or requests for action by other government entities. Unlike ordinances, which have the force of law, resolutions are typically used for non-binding decisions or matters of policy and procedure within the council itself. However, they can still carry significant weight and influence public opinion and government action.

What is an ordinance?

An ordinance is a law or regulation enacted by the council that has the force of law within the jurisdiction of the city. Ordinances are formal legislative acts that govern various aspects of municipal life, such as zoning, land use, building codes, public safety, taxation, and local governance. They are typically more detailed and specific than resolutions and are legally binding on residents, businesses, and other entities within the city. Ordinances are often introduced, debated, and voted upon by the city council during public meetings, and once approved, they are codified into the municipal code, which serves as the official repository of local laws. Violations of ordinances can result in legal penalties, fines, or other enforcement actions by municipal authorities.