Ostrander New Community Authority

What is the NCA?

A tool exists under Ohio law for residents in new housing developments or districts to contribute funding in addition to regular property taxes to be used for local causes such as development or redevelopment. This additional revenue stream can be used to address and accommodate the needs of a growing community. This tool is called an NCA or New Community Authority. NCA’s assessed charges are paid by homeowners in the newly created housing development or district, in addition to regular taxes. The obligation to pay the NCA charge is recorded with each Lot’s deed and disclosed by the developer at the point of sale. These charges are collected just like property taxes and assessed, based on property values.

Ostrander NCA, established in 2019 with the Blues Creek Development raises funds through these assessed charges, based on millage per parcel, across 30 years. It provides a method to share in the cost of infrastructure, needed community services, development of land and community facilities within the defined boundaries of the Village of Ostrander. Eligible projects might include development of properties, community centers, recreation halls, educational facilities, cultural facilities, park and open spaces, community streets and parking, bikeways and trails, lighting, water and sewer line extensions or road maintenance.

The NCA is a separate entity governed by a Board of Trustees, the Ostrander NCA consists of seven members. Members of the board must reside within the Blues Creek Development except for the Village Government Representative. Initially the NCA was set up by an organizational committee with seats for the developers, community members and a village government representative. With the development nearing completion, developer’s seats open as well as initial members appointed by the mayor (necessary since there were no residents at the start of construction). New members will then be nominated and elected. The Board of Trustees elects a chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, and treasurer. Projects proposed by the NCA are subject to approval by the Village Council. The groups work together, like a partnership, to make decisions on projects for the community.

The organization has established by-laws and must meet a minimum of once per year and is subject to an audit schedule. NCA Fund projections across 30 Years are approximately 2 million dollars.


Ostrander NCA Petition
Ostrander NCA Presentation

Next meeting: Wednesday, October 16th, 6:30PM at the Jacob C. Ostrander Community Center (the village hall), 19 S Main St in Ostrander

For any questions, please contact Pamela Walker at 815-674-6251.
